The Little Things that Change the Direction of Lives– Slice of Life Challenge Day 23

twitter fameSo, this happened.


A few years ago I walked into a small independent bookshop in small town Connecticut to hear an amazing author give a talk about her book, One for the Murphys. The shop was owned, I thought with awe, by another legendary children’s author.

I walked in feeling like authors might as well be unicorns. Ordinary people like me would never meet them.

But then I met them…well, almost. I was too shy. They’re FAMOUS.

Flash forward to ILA Boston.

I sat on the floor in the back of a session with a panel of AMAZING children’s authors like Kate Messner and the previously, almost met, Lynda Mullaly Hunt among others.

This time I screwed my courage to the sticking place and said hello. I commented on the barn library Kate described–I probably sounded vapid–and asked to take my picture with them. I was a little braver this time because I’d met another teacher-by chance- who knew Lynda and who talked like she was an “ordinary person.”

OK. Authors are real people…like us…but still more special.

A certain colleague challenged me to join the Slice of Life Challenge.

Challenge accepted in a “what’s the worst that could happen?” kind of a way.

I sliced. I posted. I received some encouraging feedback.

I enjoy writing. It makes me feel grounded and whole. I’ve been way less angry than when I spent that time watching or reading the news.

Flash to Riverside Church–Hallowed in my mind as sacred for literacy

Someone I look up to in the literacy universe sat by me and simply said, “You should write a book.”

I’ve secretly always wanted to write a book (or books) but who am I that anyone would actually want to read what I have to say? What do I have to say anyway? I grew up in what my friends joked was “Sheltered, Connecticut.” A small town girl who went to college in an even smaller town. I’m just me. (Sorry Drew Dudley, I hadn’t heard your keynote yet.)

Cut to my new ‘Zen Library’- A writer’s garret a la Jo March

I spent much of Sunday tucked away under the eaves with my laptop and a soft smile.

My husband ventured in late in the afternoon. He said, “You should write a book.”

He’s said it for years. But I’d always discounted the idea (see above regarding unicorns and small towns).

Then last night, Cornelius Minor, a minor god in the literacy pantheon, retweeted one of my slices and tagged Lucy.


So maybe the universe is talking (or not). But I’ve decided that, like the SOL Challenge, where’s the harm in giving it a try?

I have a few ideas now.

This summer I’m writing a book.

Maybe someday, someone (besides my parents) will read it.

3 thoughts on “The Little Things that Change the Direction of Lives– Slice of Life Challenge Day 23

  1. Katie, this is so exciting! It sounds like the stars might be aligning for you to do this! It also sounds like you might be starting to believe it’s possible. So great. You should do it. Your writing is great!


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